Tuesday, February 12, 2013


i dream of new york city. i don't think i could put into words how badly i want to go there. i would actually love to live there for a time. the younger i am, the better. the lights are enchanting and for a person who never sleeps (because seriously, i never sleep), the city is practically shouting my name. there is a never-closing supply of donuts, pizza, chinese food, and whatever other junk it is that i tend to crave. it also seems to be that there is a new burger joint on each and every block, and for those of you who know me well, you know that burgers make me sing. literally. any and all burgers. but maybe that's for a different post. being musically inclined, the thought of being that close to broadway and off-broadway and off-off-broadway is enough to bring tears to my eyes on its own. it is my personal opinion that their hometown newspaper is one of the best in the entire world. there is always someone crazier than you - guaranteed. riding the subway would always be an adventure. smart and chic can mean almost the same thing, and smart is the norm there, not the exception. it would be okay for me to walk everywhere, and also do it in great shoes. there would always be someone new for me to meet. i've found out that sending your laundry out for someone else to wash and dry is not only convenient, it's just good business, especially since you will probably never own a washer and dryer if you live there. this in turn means i never have to feel guilty about not doing my own laundry (score. laundry is the bane of my existence). i've turned jaywalking into an artform, so i would fit right in. spontaneous and fascinating conversations with many cab drivers are awaiting my arrival. and my goodness... times square. that is all i have to say there. not only the view from the brooklyn bridge, but the view of it in person must be breathtaking. apparently they also have goat eyeball tacos. that's now on my bucket list. the city is full of magic. yes i know, it is also full of dirty people, trash, rats, etc. those call out to me, too. i want to take walks through central park and be a tourist for a bit. i'll wear my iny tshirt proudly. the shopping. the art galleries. the parades. the museums. the street performers. the food... oh, the food. my mental list goes on and on. i want to be there in that coney island state of mind. they say if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere... but why would you bother to make it anywhere else? so here's my sloppy kiss to the city. i love you, new york.

*photo taken from mudpig on flickr

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