Monday, February 25, 2013


did you know that most people fail in adhering to their new year's resolutions? specifically, 22% fail after one week, 40% after one month, 50% after three months, 60% after six months, and 81% after twenty-four months. i have found myself these past couple of weeks stumbling dangerously close to this statistic. i set some pretty intense resolutions for myself, but i really want to stick to them and accomplish them! i have goals in various categories which include health/fitness/wellness/physical, financial, educational, spiritual, social, personal/mental, relationships, family, home improvement, hobby/skill development, and trying new things/activities. i want to become a healthy, happy, and well-rounded person. maybe if i feel brave i'll post the specific goals up soon. what can i do to make sure i stick to these goals? seriously, if you have any tips, i would love to hear them. to resolutions!

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