Friday, October 18, 2013

life lately

i am so grateful to be living in the great state of utah. life has been, well… i’d like to say crazy, but i  am starting to learn it really isn’t crazy, that’s just life. i have a really fun opportunity tonight to go see  a bunch of my old hall-mates and my ra at byu. to say i am excited would be an understatement! this is definitely going to be a good friday. i’m sitting here at work on my lunch break, and i’ve really been thinking about goals lately. i started to remember some of my long-forgotten new year’s resolutions, and i decided i should probably get back on this blog (; after reviewing some of my goals, i realized that i don’t have to wait until new year’s day to start them. i don’t even need to wait until monday. i can start today. this (albeit silly) epiphany feels so refreshing! i feel really motivated to get a lot of things on track this weekend that i’ve been procrastinating.

as for my life lately, there have been a few big changes. i moved! i live about 6 blocks away from temple square in downtown salt lake. how blessed i feel to be so close to the house of the lord. i can walk a mile and be at the temple gates. it amazes me every time i see that building to think that 40 years of hard handy work by the hands of the latter-day saints and by the hand of the lord resulted in that beautiful building. i love living downtown! the city isn’t too big, but it’s just big enough that there is plenty to entertain yourself with. (side note: it really bothers me to finish my sentence with “with”  - it’s just horrible grammar. i also feel ridiculous using proper grammar on a casual american-english blog. oy vey. but at least i didn’t say “there is plenty with which one can entertain themselves”, right? no? does that sound just so nose-in-the-air/overly-formal-on-a-casual-blog?) it is so exciting to live so close to the heart of a city – i mean, i’m in it! it adds a spark to my days and makes me feel like a little kid (in terms of excitement). it really makes me dream of new york. click here to read more about that. i also love my roommates. kimbo slice and i have finally accomplished the feat – we are official roommates! the three other girls i’ve moved in with are wonderful, and i feel like i really lucked out having only known kim when i moved in originally. they’re already proving to be such a blessing, and this is only the beginning of it all.

i have now been working at snugz for almost 8 months, and about a month ago i received a promotion! i now work as sales support for national accounts. our head of  sales called me into her office right before the application deadline and asked me to apply, so of course i did. i had already thought about it, but i was intimidated by the position because i had so little experience at snugz, and the thought of working with national accounts just sounded so.. well, you know. big. national. the works. i was excited she pulled me into her office and it was just the nudge i needed. i, being brittaney, kept talking the whole thing down so i wasn’t disappointed when i didn’t get the position, and when they offered me the position i was thrilled. i’ve been training in that position for the past month, so it’s definitely been something fun to keep me on my feet, and i really love everyone i work with. i feel so lucky! i am also leaving on a trip for work on monday to arizona. i am so excited and i feel like next week is going to be a blast. i’ll keep you posted. (;

school is going well. i’m behind on reading, but what college student isn’t mid-way through the semester? i’m planning on playing catch up this entire weekend. i am really enjoying learning about personal finance. that class is so interesting! my professor is one of the best professors i have ever had the pleasure to study under. he is so energetic and excited about the material he teaches, and he is very realistic when it comes to life and how things just happen sometimes.

i am so excited that it’s october. we just had general conference and i was so blessed to be able to attend yet AGAIN this session. fall is my favorite season and october is the most perfect month of fall all year. utah october is spectacular. the tree colors don’t compare totally to indy, but the mountains make up for it. i’ll save this one for later, though. in the meantime, i hope you are having a great autumn. sip some cider for me. (;

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