Monday, January 19, 2009

Some Random Thoughts...

well here's what i've decided...

i am strong because i am weak

i am beautiful because i know my flaws

i am a lover because i am a fighter

i am fearless because i have been afraid

i am wise because i have because foolish

&& i can laugh because i’ve know sadness

i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me - Phil. 4:13

we're all a little weird. && life's a little weird. and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours we join up in a mutual weirdness && call it love.

don't STOP believing...

well... what can i say? i'm unique. i'm not like other girls. i am myself... just me (: && i promise you won't find anyone else in this world quite like me. i mean what can i say? i'm just different(:

life is about trusting our feelings && taking chances, losing && finding happiness, appreciating the memories && learning from the past.

i've made mistakes in my life. i've let people take advantage of me && i've accepted way less than i deserved.
but i've learned from my bad choices && even though there are some things i can never get back && people who will never be sorry, i'll know better next time && i won't settle for anything less than i deserve.

i'll never try to fit in. i was born to stand out.

there comes a time in life

when you have to let go of

all the pointless drama

&& the people who create it

&& surround yourself with

people who make you laugh

so hard that your forget

the bad && focus solely

on the good. after all,

life is too short to be

anything but happy.

you NEVER know how strong you are until BEING STRONG is the only choice you have.

there will be many people who walk in && out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints behind.

don't tell God how big your storm is, tell your storm how big your God is.

don't just exist...


when life puts you through tough situations... don't say WHY ME? say TRY ME!!

maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. maybe they're supposed to run until they find someone, just as wild, to run with.

i'm a lover not a fighter... but i'll fight for what i love.

a wise girl knows her limits...

but a wise woman knows she has none. (:

LOVE the life you live, && LIVE the life you love.

DON'T worry... be HAPPY. (:

laugh your heart out

dance in the rain

cherish the moments

ignore the pain

love && learn

forget && forgive

because remember you

have only one life

to live.

TAKE A CHANCE because you never know how perfect something may turn out to be.




live the life you want to REMEMBER.

someday, everything will make PERFECT SENSE. so for now, laugh at all the CONFUSION, smile through the TEARS, && keep reminding yourself... everything happens for a reason.


be who you want to be, not who others want to see.

be a fruitloop in a world full of cheerios.



my hair does'nt

always stay in place

i spill a lot of things && i'm pretty clumsy

but when i think about

it && step back i remember how

amazing my life truly is

&& that maybe...

i like being



life is too short for drama.

some girls are just born with glitter in their veins (;

take chances. take a lot of them.

becuase honestly, no matter where

you end up && with who, it always ends up

just the way it should be.

your mistakes make you who you are.

you learn and grow with each choice you make.

EVERYTHING is worth it. say how you feel


be you && be okay with it.

these are the days worth living, these are the years we're given

these are the moments && these are the times...

so let's make the best of our lives.

as though no one is watching
as though you have never been hurt before
as though no one can hear you
as though heaven is on earth

when life knocks you down on your knees, know that you are in the perfect position to
p r a y

because yesterdays are
over && tomorrows
may never come...

in the end;;
everything will be okay.
if it isn't okay...
it isn't the end.

YOU regret ARE THE risks


it's good to be random.


don't play games with a girl who can play better.
i dare you. try me.

a painter paints on a canvas.
a musician paints on silence.

i have to put some edward cullen quotes on here....
I'm here, & i love you. I have always loved you, and i will always love you. I was thinking of you, seeing your face in my mind , every secound that i was away. When i told you i didn't want you, it was the very blackest kind of blasphemy.

Before you my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars- points of light and reason. .... And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed , but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no reason for anything.

you are exactly my brand of heroin.

i'm gonna crank up the volume and
sing like i'm a superstar
and dance around like i'm famous
because that's just how i roll

If ever there is tomorrow when

we're not together.. there is something

you must always remember...

you are braver than you believe,

stronger than you seem,

and smarter than you think.

but the most important thing is,

even if we're apart..

i'll always be with you.

music was her life
and the lyrics
were her STORY.

you know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your
d r e a m s.

BE original, spotaneous, loving crazy, proper, loud, daring, classy, && unique.

hold your head high gorgeous.... they'd all kill to see you fall.

life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets.
so love the people who treat you right, && forget about
the ones who don't. believe that everything happens for
a reasons. if you get a chance, take it. if it changes your
life then let it. nobody said it would be easy. they only
said it would be worth it.

imperfection is beauty.
madness is genius.
&& it's better to be
absolutely rediculous
than absolutely boring.

DON'T tell me they sky's the limit

when there are footprints on the moon.

life is going to push you around.
it's going to beat you up, && it's going to scare you.
but then, one day, you realize...
you're not just a survivor.
you're a warrior.

the real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.

baby when life rains on your parade... bust out the slipnslide!!

every great dream begins with a dreamer.
always remember you have within you the
strength, patience && the passion to reach
for the starts to change the world. <3>
one should dream more while they are awake.

life isn't about FINDING YOURSELF.
life is about CREATING YOURSELF.

the greatest thing you'll ever learn
is to love && be loved in return.

well... yeah. maybe more to come(:


Unknown said...

Holy Random Thoughts Batgirl!!!! Thanks for all the words of wisdom - you are a beautiful, talented and wise young woman. I am proud of you for being a light to the darkness around you and showing the world what a true daughter of God is about. Keep on standing for truth and righteousness. Love you so much!

Cheri said...

I love your randomness...don't ever stop! :) I want you to know how VERY proud I am of the young woman that you have become! You are simply amazing! I don't know what I did to deserve you, but it must have been spectacular...that or Heavenly Father just knew I would need YOU!! :) Remember to keep things in perspective and always be proud of who you are! Thank you for allowing Daddy and I to burst with pride that you are our daughter and thank you for allowing me to feel that I have been a success as your mom!! Although, I think it is more just who you are than anything I ever taught you! :) Keep being who you are and the world will be at your feet!! :) I LOVE YOU BABY GIRL!!

OMA AND OPA said...

Wow! You really know how to express yourself! That is great blog reading. Tells a lot about you. Keep up the good work, and remember how much you are loved by your Oma and Opa. Hope to see you out here in Oakley again soon! It was good to see you again last month too! even though you were so busy with Addison there, that we didn't see much of you except when you crashed on the couch. haha
Love ya much!